15 endorsements
Chantal Chagnon is a Cree / Métis Singer, Drummer, Artist, Storyteller, Actor, Educator, Workshop Facilitator, Social Justice Advocate and Activist with roots in Muskeg Lake Cree Nation, Saskatchewan. She shares Traditional Indigenous Songs, Stories, Culture, History, Arts, Indigenous Craftsmanship and Teachings. Chantal has presented in Classrooms from Preschool through University and Professional, Community, and Social Justice Events and Gatherings. Chantal aims to entertain, engage, enlighten, educate, and inspire everyone she meets.
A Two Spirit single mother of two boys, and twin girls, she understands societal struggle first hand. Chantal has been an activist for over 25 years, organizing events within community with a focus on building allies and alliances. Chantal is an advocate for marginalized voices, including Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women, Girls & Two Spirit (MMIWG2S), Women’s Rights, Racial Inequity and Environmental Initiatives. Chantal Chagnon is passionate about building awareness and sharing understanding of Indigenous culture, spirituality, social justice and political issues. She creates opportunities for cooperation, education, and empowerment everywhere she can.
Chantal recognizes sharing culture and building community is an integral part of building bridges of understanding and acceptance. Chantal is a compassionate woman, who believes that a healthier, fairer, more sustainable Canada is possible as we make decisions for future generations to come.
Chantal hosts a livestream sharing Traditional Teachings, Smudging, Stories and Songs
Tuesdays from 7 pm - 8 pm MST
Please join us on Facebook or YouTube