If you have any questions, requests, concerns or require additional information, please feel free to contact us:
Contact: | Chantal Chagnon |
Email: | [email protected] |
Text/Phone: | 403-404-7664 |
Mail To: |
Cree8 Calgary 220 Hawkwood Blvd NW Calgary, Alberta T3G 3E8 |
If you would like to join our mailing list and get information on our upcoming workshops, you can send us a message letting us know.
We are also looking for volunteers, if you are interested in volunteering, please check the box and tell us what you would be interested in helping with.
I am a preservice teacher and I have just come upon your website. I am really interested in learning more about the dream catcher workshop in April. I was wondering if you had two spots available?
Additionally, I was wondering if you did any workshops for grade 2 elementary students? I am currently planning to to a study with my students on the book “Stolen Words” by Melanie Florence. I believe making a dream catcher with my students would really enrich their learning about Cree culture and the significance of the dream catcher. Please let me know if the dream catcher workshop could be brought into the classroom or if you had any other wonderful ideas for students.
Have a wonderful day and I look forward to hearing from you,
I am interesting in knowing when Fingerweaving is being taught.
Thank you!
I am contacting you on behalf of The Calgary Bridge Foundation for Youth. I run an Afterschool Program called NxtGen, and I work with junior high immigrant and second generation youth. The program focuses on the social and emotional needs of youth, so we help them build new skills, develop healthy relationships and just address issues that they deal with as a teen and as a minority.
I was wondering if you would be interested in hosting a workshop in our program for our youth? I feel that there is a lot of opportunities for learning with both demographics and was wondering if you would be interested in facilitating something like this. There are so many types of workshops you offer, I would be more than happy to discuss what you think would be best. Our program is in 7 different schools across Calgary, with about 15 kids in each. We run during after school for about 2 hours. A half an hour would be dedicated for snack, so you would have about 1.5 hours to facilitate.
Please let me know what you think. I look forward to hearing from you!
Jenai Lieu
I am the Physical Education specialist at a school in Calgary. I am inquiring about the possibility of having Cree8 join us for our Ever Active Sports Day this year to incorporate celebrations for Aboriginal Day on June 21st. I would be interested in having a large group assembly where students can see drumming and singing to open or close our Event, and then also smaller group sessions throughout the day for story telling or drum/music making workshops. Our school has grades kindergarten to Grade 4.
Do you have a daily rate? if you could send me information on your fee structure it would be most appreciated. The day of our event is June 16th.
I was lucky enough to see Chantal perform her songs and would love to meet with her or speak with her about the possibility of coming into our high school and leading a workshop or sharing her knowledge with our Metis and First Nations students, as well as our non-indigenous students, to celebrate our culture and people! :)
Thank you
Where is the fingerweaving class held?