If you have any questions, requests, concerns or require additional information, please feel free to contact us:
Contact: | Chantal Chagnon |
Email: | [email protected] |
Text/Phone: | 403-404-7664 |
Mail To: |
Cree8 Calgary 220 Hawkwood Blvd NW Calgary, Alberta T3G 3E8 |
If you would like to join our mailing list and get information on our upcoming workshops, you can send us a message letting us know.
We are also looking for volunteers, if you are interested in volunteering, please check the box and tell us what you would be interested in helping with.
Do you have any drum making workshops coming up?
Thanks so much,
Thoroughly enjoyed the drumming circle today at the AER in Centennial Place. You have a great voice and led the singing and drumming expertly. Also enjoyed the stories behind the drums and the songs especially using your voice to communicate with others when berry picking or in Wal-Mart! Great description of the 4 animals too and how they relate to the landscape (Elk, Buffalo, Moose and Deer).
I work for Robertson college and we are hoping to book indigenous drummers and dancers for our upcoming graduation in March in Calgary.
Additionally we are looking for an elder to provide a blessing for our event. Any assistance with this would be appreciated.
I was recommended to get in touch with you about your drum making workshops and drum circles. Do you have anything upcoming? I’d love to join you if you do. Any information you have on upcoming events or workshops I’d love to hear more about.
I am a recreation therapist at McKenzie Towne Retirement Residence. I would like to invite you to our residence for our Indigenous day celebration in September. My email is [email protected] I was hoping some of you would be open to coming to our home and doing a presentation, drum circle etc. We can discuss further details if you’re interested or know anyone.
Myname is anne Gray and I am the music teacher at W.O. Mitchell Elementary school in Calgary. We may be interested in a 2023 or 2024 residency on rap music; I was told you do this. Please confirm this could be a possibility. Another possibility is a residency on one of your indigenous topics, or several combined. We are a Spanish bi-lingual school and I understand you can do your residencies in Spanish. Please confirm.
Many thanks,
Anne Gray
I am writing to see when your next rattle workshop is! I am not in town to attend this weekend’s and would love to make a rattle for my younger sister’s baby boy coming to Earth May 3!
Looking forward to connecting again 🌈
Thank you,
Marissa Javier
I am Max (Jitesh Chauhan) Marketing Manager with a reputable online marketing company based in India.
We can fairly quickly promote your website to the top of the search rankings with no long term contracts!
We can place your website on top of the Natural Listings on Google, Yahoo and MSN. Our Search Engine Optimization team delivers more top rankings than anyone else and we can prove it. We do not use “link farms” or “black hat” methods that Google and the other search engines frown upon and can use to de-list or ban your site. The techniques are proprietary, involving some valuable closely held trade secrets.
We would be happy to send you a proposal using the top search phrases for your area of expertise. Please contact me at your convenience so we can start saving you some money.
In order for us to respond to your request for information, please include your company’s website address (mandatory) and or phone number.
So let me know if you would like me to mail you more details or schedule a call. We’ll be pleased to serve you.
I look forward to your mail.
Thanks and Regards
I cannot say who I am for the simple reason that if you said no, it would make our friendship awkward. Soooo, being the coward I am I will tip-toe in such a way you are free to say no. Nevertheless, I would not have contacted you if this not a big deal where we can both benefit; as this is no charity event.
You are of course free to ask anything you like about the court case, but because this is before the courts I am both saving time by not talking bout technical legal points and I also saving us from possible liability of losing by mentioning as little as possible outside the Courtroom. In the spirit of James Bond, here is the mission if you choose to accept it. Good luck 007:
1- I am Legal Representation for a very special Plaintiff. He (not me) is arguing a monumental Case in the Superior Court of Alberta- Special Chambers in the afternoon with the courtroom and courthouse open to the Public. His legal team have already done the necessary work for Winning his Case and it will set a precedent that protects the homeless population in Calgary and sets a high Standard for punishment if a Corporate Landlord Defrauds an indigenous person of their home, in the shocking way our friend endured. His story is that which defines White Privilege and you are in charge of operation overwhelming support. Speaking as a both First Nation and one Nation, I need at least ten-to fifteen of the most dignified members of your Circle of power. The more the better, here is why
There is a huge problem and it is the Plaintiff. His pride is going to destroy this case. Against all advice, he became self-represented because the fees were, in his words, exploitation. He wants to Fight as an Indigenous Person and it is a matter of Pride and (we suspect) money that he represent himself. This separation happened in Feb 2022 and he consults Lawyers when he needs to polish the case… we prepared for him.
He is very intelligent, does not smoke or do drugs, and works as a security Guard. He got singled out and defrauded from his home, we proved he was the only native in this nice building and as they renovated it they filed legal paper work proven Fraudulent, like really really fraudulent, only to remove him.
The legal Side is taken care of but because this is not a Criminal Case; and is a clear winner , Lawyers fees are themselves exploitation and legal aide or duty counsel is impossible. His feet are getting colder and colder and we see he is being re-victimized by having to relive this trauma. He has chosen to stand up for an Indigenous person by not feeding the White System. He paid just enough to have the paper wok and legal arguments done. It sounded great at first, but the official date will be set in about two month.
I need your team to assemble in the courthouse AFTER our plaintiff has arrived twenty minutes earlier for the case. He will be fighting a monumental case to fight for others and to stand up for himself and his nation. He will also be alone and terrified, HE does not know how scary it is even if you are the one suing.
All I need is one person enter the courtroom from the court house , bow to the Judge’s seat, walk close enough to the plaintiff and whisper “you are going to do great! Thanks for ding this. I am here for you”
another person enters. Bows in in front of the empty judge’s seat immediately up entry walk to the plaintiff so he can hear a similar encouraging word and they take a seat on his side.
One. by. One. The Plaintiff s side gets packed, standing room only. The corporate Landlord with their Lawyers has their side empty as nobody from our team shows support by sitting on that side of the viewing bench.
We pack all people in so there is five minutes to start the case. I believe if he has the the those five minutes right before the case starts his nerves will not betray him and choice of litigation will have a better chance of success. I could not leave our friend even though he cannot pay us so I have contacted you without his permission. I will be there is support on his side. If he wins the entire case an large sum will be paid to him. If he loses it will probably be because of his nerves or starts crying because of the amount of Trauma he experienced already.
The case being argued worth 1.9 million dollars. Would you be able to make this vision become a sight for one percent of what ever the plaintiff wins? Our firm will pay because we contacted you as a courtesy to the Plaintiff and the amount of money received would be based on this number. You would also have the media rights if you like.
In terms of PR, you can see if it is within your interest to take credit for the win by communicating with all Press / social media. We know that it would mean very much to our friend if all indigenous people benefited from this decision and how Cree8 feels about the ruling is how the Plaintiff feels about the ruling so far as the public is concerned. Cree8 was originally going to be asked to be the public relations authority in this case and you still are. The Plaintiff wants his name out of the paper to avoid the embarrassment of facing homelessness. Your Voice was the agreed voice.
This voice will remain powerful and a potent Public relations asset to Cree8 if we lose and appeal and the public needs to know how wrong the decision was. The public is drawn to the little guy beating a corporation and our friend is doing just that. IN terms of public relations, losing and being a voice for the appeal will give Cree8 a bigger PR opportunity than if he wins. A large Law firm like McCarthy Tetra would kill for this publicity but this must be an all-indigenous win.
Sincerely yours,
I am Max (Jitesh Chauhan) Marketing Manager with a reputable online marketing company based in India.
We can fairly quickly promote your website to the top of the search rankings with no long term contracts!
We can place your website on top of the Natural Listings on Google, Yahoo, and MSN. Our Search Engine Optimization team delivers more top rankings than anyone else, and we can prove it. We do not use “link farms” or “black hat” methods that Google and the other search engines frown upon and can use to de-list or ban your site. The techniques are proprietary, involving some valuable closely held trade secrets. Our prices are less than half of what other companies charge.
We would be happy to send you a proposal using the top search phrases for your area of expertise. Please contact me at your convenience so we can start saving you some money.
In order for us to respond to your request for information, please include your company’s website address (mandatory) and or phone number.
So let me know if you would like me to mail you more details or schedule a call. We’ll be pleased to serve you.
I look forward to your mail.
Thanks and Regards
I am Max (Jitesh Chauhan) Marketing Manager with a reputable online marketing company based in India.
We can fairly quickly promote your website to the top of the search rankings with no long term contracts!
We can place your website on top of the Natural Listings on Google, Yahoo, and MSN. Our Search Engine Optimization team delivers more top rankings than anyone else, and we can prove it. We do not use “link farms” or “black hat” methods that Google and the other search engines frown upon and can use to de-list or ban your site. The techniques are proprietary, involving some valuable closely held trade secrets. Our prices are less than half of what other companies charge.
We would be happy to send you a proposal using the top search phrases for your area of expertise. Please contact me at your convenience so we can start saving you some money.
In order for us to respond to your request for information, please include your company’s website address (mandatory) and or phone number.
So let me know if you would like me to mail you more details or schedule a call. We’ll be pleased to serve you.
I look forward to your mail.
Thanks and Regards
My name is Jennifer Connolly. I booked you for a talk at my school on September 30th from 1:30- 2:30. I was wondering if that will be an in-person presentation or a virtual presentation? We would love for it to be in-person but understand if you need to make it a virtual one.
Also, could you please add the following person on your communication with us: Annemie Treier ([email protected]). She will also be in charge of organizing that event, at our school.
Thank you,
Jennifer Connolly
My name is Jesse and I am the Recreation Therapist at Kingsland Terrace. We are a small supportive living site with 24 residents and we have a couple of residents that are indigenous. I was wondering if you would be available to provide drumming for us on Friday, July 15 if your available for are stampede party. You can either reach me by email or by phone at (403) 831-1592
I’m wondering if we could chat? I am the music teacher at Sherwood school and I’d love to discuss a drum and rattle workshop with you. I am interested in taking your workshops, but I’m also interested in it for my school.
My school email is [email protected]. Hopefully we can find a time to connect.
We are a small school with all ages of students.
Please let me know what you think. I am open to any artist opportunities if you are unable and might have a recommendation.
Thank you so much!
My name is Hayley Bremner and I am a teacher at Olympic Heights School. I attended your two-day Land Acknowledgement seminar during Calgary’s teachers convention and I was really moved by your teachings and sharing! Our school is looking to have an Artist in Residence next school year and are interested in the work that you have showcased on your website.
I am reaching out to find some additional information as we start planning details for next year. We are a school of about 23 classrooms from K-6, and would like to know how you prefer to set up your program? Is it best to work with individual classrooms, or have grade teams collaborate? Do you have availability for the 2022/2023 school year? As well, are you planning to work in person with schools?
We appreciate your time as we are starting to build the possibilities for our students.
I look forward to hearing from you,
Hayley Bremner